Tuesday 23 March 2010

*WARNING - Memories Are Unstable And May Collapse At Any Time*

This is a picture of a picture which is currently stuck in my diary. I really liked this image because the quote on it has made me want and start to write a diary/journal. I have a personal diary in which I usually write things (good and bad) that have happened to me. I did this because I want to remember them and when I'm older I can look back and think of how i spent my younger years. The quote shows that we all need to treasure our memories and eventually as time passes we forget things. I did not want to forget these key events so I wrote them down :) This image also links in with my project because it is a natural setting with a warning sign which was made by man. It is interesting to see how man-made things are helping us overcome the dangers that nature may sometimes bring, like in this image. Additionally, I really like how the sign reflects on the water which makes me think that even the plants and animals under the water are being warned. Furthermore, I realized when I was taking this photo that It had come out a little blurry and unclear. This reinforces the fact that memories are sometimes unclear and may need assistance to be retrieved. :) Picture by Mihaela :)

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