Friday 26 March 2010

*Autumn Is A Second Spring When Every Leaf Is A Flower*

*If A Link Is Broken, The Entire Chain Breaks*

*Walk On The Wild Side*

*Beauty Is Not In The Face; Beauty Is A Light In The Heart*

This is an image I took of a notebook cover which has a really interesting 3D effect. It cannot really be seen in the image as you have to move it about to see the hearts moving :)

Picture by Mihaela :)

*The Richness I Achieve Comes From Nature, The Source Of My Inspiration*

Thursday 25 March 2010

*The Snow Falls...Each Flake In Its Appropriate Place*

Amazing Snowflake Heart...
Winter has very few redeeming qualities. Many animals find that the best thing to do is simply sleep through it. Studies show that human beings sleep more during the winter months as well.
One of the few redeeming qualities of winter is snow. There are few things more magical then looking out the window from your house and discovering those first flurries gently falling to the ground. When the snow builds up outside our houses it envelops us in a warm cocoon. The time has come to put on your warm slippers, a cozy blanket, and curl up with some hot chocolate.
Snow By Family Friend Poems / CC BY 3.0
Picture by Mihaela :)

*Let's Dance In The Sun, Wearing Pretty Flowers In Our Hair*

This is an image i have taken of a pretty flower in a park. It is high on a tree so i pulled it down so it can be seen clearly, and then I took the picture. The pink colours contrast with the green plants and the buildings in the background. The image shows aspects of my theme as here you have nature at its best; spring time. In the background you have the everyday things you see - sort of dull, and then you have the plants in the middle. I have just realised that this image can be a metaphor for a family. The blossoming flowers are the children - growing up, the plants are the parents - looking after the plants andthe buildings being grandparents or other people in the children's life which are always there looking down on them. :)
Picture by Mihaela :)

Tuesday 23 March 2010

*He Is Not A Lover, Who Does Not Love Forever*

You are my Life
By Andy Hughes

You are the stars in my night time,
You are the blue sky in my day,
You are the water in my ocean,
You are the light showing me the way,
You are the sunshine in my eyes,
You are the wind blowing through my hair,
You are the beating in my heart,
You are my life - you're always there.

Picture by Mihaela :)

*The Love We Give Away Is The Only Love We Keep*

I wonder why you said goodbye
you broke my heart, you made me cry
I loved you dearly, I loved you so
I wonder why you let me go
I wonder if it was always true
when you said you loved me too
You kissed me by the setting sun
I wondered if you were the one
I wonder how you could always take
all these promises I always break
I don't know why we have to part
I wonder how I broke your heart....

Poem by : Gidget 'I wonder why'

Picture by Mihaela :)

*WARNING - Memories Are Unstable And May Collapse At Any Time*

This is a picture of a picture which is currently stuck in my diary. I really liked this image because the quote on it has made me want and start to write a diary/journal. I have a personal diary in which I usually write things (good and bad) that have happened to me. I did this because I want to remember them and when I'm older I can look back and think of how i spent my younger years. The quote shows that we all need to treasure our memories and eventually as time passes we forget things. I did not want to forget these key events so I wrote them down :) This image also links in with my project because it is a natural setting with a warning sign which was made by man. It is interesting to see how man-made things are helping us overcome the dangers that nature may sometimes bring, like in this image. Additionally, I really like how the sign reflects on the water which makes me think that even the plants and animals under the water are being warned. Furthermore, I realized when I was taking this photo that It had come out a little blurry and unclear. This reinforces the fact that memories are sometimes unclear and may need assistance to be retrieved. :) Picture by Mihaela :)

*The Trees That Are Slow To Grow, Bear The Best Fruit*

This picture was taken whilst I was walking through a park one day. I thought it looked really interesting how all these cut-off tree trunks were placed in one pile. It seems to me that they were placed in this way to look like a park attraction or to look like a natural sculpture. It caught my eye as I walked through the park. I think this is because of the little green plants which are emerging from inbetween the tree trunks. The image to me symbolises the fact that when man cuts down nature, it always fights back (this is represented through the plants). I have chosen this specific quote because it shows how even though the trees are destroyed, and they will take time to grow, it will be worth the wait because they could possibly bear the best fruit. :)
Picture by Mihaela :)

Friday 12 March 2010

*All Cats Love Fish...Yet Are Scared To Get Their Paws Wet*

***SANTOS*** :*

Its a wet- wet -wet -dark Sunday, I'm standing at my sink. I'm looking at my Goldfish, What does my goldfish think?

Does he remember days, days when he was bold and lived beside the boatshed, where it was dark and cold?

The lady from the petshop, her name is Harriet. She spied my little goldfish and caught him in her net.

She put him in a glass jar, took him to her shop. I bought him there last Friday night, he cost me quite a lot.

Now he swims in my glass bowl, I feed him everyday. He watches me with googly eyes, and hears everything I say.

Picture by Mihaela :)

Sunday 7 March 2010

*Living On Land...Wanting To Fly In The Sky*

This picture was taken in College by me. I took it because I wanted to see what the clouds looked like on that day. I do not see any specific shape or object but I really like the way the blue and white stand out. I have chosen this quote for this picture because the sky looks nicer and more calm than the ground. The clouds are constantly moving unlike what you see on the ground. It seems like a whole new world up there :). This image links in with my project because nature (the sky and clouds) is the most dominant thing in the image. However, you can see a small part of the college building. I have chosen to capture this in the picture because I wanted to show the contrast between nature and man-made things. The clouds are free to move any time they want, unlike the building which is staying put for probably a long time, until someone wants something new. :)
Picture by Mihaela :)

*Don't Be Afraid To Go Out On A Limb...That's Where The Fruit Is*

This picture was taken from the College window. Whilst I was in the classroom I looked out of the window and thought "What a nice view!" so I took a picture. It carefully illustrates the differences between the tree, bush and the branches compared to the brick wall. The quote I have chosen means that not everything is easy as it seems for example like in this image. You think it would be quite easy to climb on top of this tree by just looking at it. However, if it is seen through a different perspective then you could see the difficulty. You may need to get over the wall to the tree. This image links with my project as it is an image of nature interacting with man-made elements; the brick wall. The wall blocks us from seeing what's on the other side unlike the tree which still lets us peek through. :)
Picture by Mihaela :)

*Perfumes are...The Feelings Of Flowers*

I’ll give you a flower, mother I’ll give you a flower, dear For life is but a garden To children of 5 years I’ll give you a flower, mother I’ll give you a flower, dear For to a bride, they’re lovely Mother, hold your tears I’ll give you a flower, mother
I’ll give you a flower, dear I’ll lay it in your sweet hands For our time has disappeared I’ll give you a flower, mother I’ll give you a flower, dear When I see you there at heaven
When my time’s done her. :)

Picture by Mihaela :)

*It's Not Talking But Walking, That Will Bring Us Together*

Just a small town girl
Living in a lonely world
She took the midnight train going anywhere
Just a city boy
Born and raised in South Detroit He took the midnight train going anywhere
A singer in a smoky room The smell of wine and cheap perfume For a smile they can share the night It goes on and on and on and on Strangers, waiting, up and down the boulevard Their shadows searching in the night Streetlight people, living just to find emotion Hiding somewhere in the night... Don't Stop Believing :)
Picture by Mihaela :)

Thursday 4 March 2010

*If The Sun And Moon Should Ever Doubt, They'd Immediately Go Out.*

This image was taken in college on the first proper sunny day in 2010. I took this picture by placing the camera up at the sky; I could not even see what I was taking a picture of because of the sun. When i looked at the photo I thought it looked great. I really like this picture because you can see the moon and the sun. The tree looks kind of spooky and the background colours are very calming. The sun and the moon look like they are communicating with each other through a long distance relationship perhaps. This image links in with my project as all the branches of the tree are linking together; like the sun and the moon.
Picture by Mihaela :)